Concierto San Valentin- Selene Scafaro

Mallorca. Finca Ca'n Belle - urbanización Bens d' Avall 7- 9 - Mapa ikusi
Data desberdinak -
Antolatzailea Waltraud Gregan

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San Valentine is coming...and the Finca  Ca'n Belle will host the most lovely concert  with the best pizzas in Mallorca from "The Italian Way Mallorca" and lovely chocolate treats

With a stunning view that will make anyone fall in love...and Swingitaliamo, with the sweet and mellow voice of Selene Scafaro , with Pedro Riestra  at the guitar and clarinet, and Soriana Ivaniv at the violin...they will play the most romantic Swing...including "La Vie En Rose", " I wish you love" and " I've got you under my skin "

Be also prepared to fall in love this Valentine's Day with...our yummy pizzas , freshly baked on the spot by Andrea from "The Italian Way"
Highly digestible, tasty and light dough, risen for at least 2 days, encounter top quality ingredients!

Either you're coming with your partner to just enjoy the concert and the amazing food or you join us with a friend and dance with will be amazing to celebrate this day openair all together...cause in the end of the day, as John Lennon used to say..."All You Need is Love!!! "

Only Concert:  15€

Concert with drinks  (tea, water, coffee) 20€

Payment directly at the door or via Bizum:  650 661963 or Paypal:

Pizza (gluten free and vegan on previous request) and sweet treats (also gluten free and vegan) to be payed extra directly during the event

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